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Code blocks

When authoring markdown using the Carbon Gatsby theme, code blocks have some extra super powers you can take advantage of. We provide carbon-themed syntax highlighting as well as optional



## Path and src
This code snippet provides a `path` and a `src` prop.
```markdown path=/directory/file.mdx src=
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum fermentum
aliquet. Aenean non ante in est placerat iaculis. Pellentesque pellentesque
feugiat turpis, nec porttitor magna.
## Path and src
This code snippet provides a `path` and a `src` prop.
```markdown path=/directory/file.mdx src=
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum fermentum
aliquet. Aenean non ante in est placerat iaculis. Pellentesque pellentesque
feugiat turpis, nec porttitor magna. Nullam tempor dapibus elit. In sapien
risus, aliquam non ullamcorper ac, porta vel magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi
## Path, src, showAll
This code snippet provides a `path`, a `src` and `showAll` prop.
```markdown path=/directory/file.mdx src= showAll
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum fermentum
aliquet. Aenean non ante in est placerat iaculis. Pellentesque pellentesque
feugiat turpis, nec porttitor magna. Nullam tempor dapibus elit. In sapien
risus, aliquam non ullamcorper ac, porta vel magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi


languagestringAvailable languages.
srcstringThe full url of a relevant link (source)
pathstringA string indicating the filename or path. Due to markdown limitations this can only be a single word
showAllbooleanfalseA boolean indicating if the code block should show all the code at once. If not set, a “Show more” button will be displayed (only if a code block has more than 9 lines.)